Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cap-and-Trade...What is it really?...

I would wager that average person has no idea what cap-and-trade really means. I mean, in all reality, it sound innocent enough. It is something to do with money or Wall Street isn't is?...No?...That's the reaction of many that I run into during the my every day interactions. Many people actually have no clue what cap-and-trade is all about or what it will mean to their economic future. Well, I'm going to do my utmost to explain it here...Cap-and-trade is another one of those partisan play on words. It is meant to be confusing to the general public. After all, if the public doesn't know what it really means, then they won't complain, and it will be passed without much of a fight.

Coal power plant in Datteln (Germany) at the D...Image via Wikipedia

Cap-and-trade, as explained by the Climate Policy Center, is "A regulatory program under which the government would 1) set a cap on the volume of harmful emissions (such as carbon dioxide, mercury, nitrous oxide and sulphur) that would be permitted, and 2) distribute the rights to allowed emissions." Hmm...Sounds like just what we need. Right?...Another program for the government to regulate. Another restriction on your freedom. I mean, after all, they've done wonderfully managing everything else...Yes!...The sarcasm was intended. Now that we know what it is, let's find out who the government is expecting to oversee the regulation. The government expects the Environmental Protection Agency to do the regulating. How will they regulate? Well, this is the tricky part. The government, with the EPA's engineers and "head honchos", will come up with a number of emissions, which is at the time of this article unreported. If the company exceeds their number of "allowable" emissions, they will pay a fine (Wait a minute...When did money enter this equation), or purchase credits from other companies who haven't used all of their "allowances." Who will determine what the cost of purchasing these "allowances" is?...Well, the market of course. The market has always done a good job regulating the prices of other commodities, such as gas prices...Right?...It is a fairly complicated program. Numbers released by the Congressional Budget Office report that the program would initially generate profits of $50 Billion a year, but could reach up to $300 Billion a year. So, if you can believe it, to some companies who would barely make the list of those who needed to be regulated, this could become a fairly lucrative program. Maybe with a few dollars thrown to my congressman and a little schmoozing, also know as lobbying, I could have my house included in the program and be able to sell to my "allowances" to companies. As you can see, it could open up huge doors to misuse, fraud, and corruption, as if we needed any more ways for our elected officials to be manipulated.

A clinical mercury thermometerImage via Wikipedia

What is the goal of all this non-sense you ask?...Well, that's where it gets REALLY weird. Again, believe it or not, the governments of the world and scientists all over this vast globe, at least the ones who believe in "man-made" global warming, hope to reduce the temperature of this world by 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2050...No! I'm not making up those numbers. So, as you can see, again we come back to the almighty dollar...This blogger believes that it is nothing more than the government's own version of a "ponzi scheme". Yes, being able to bilk companies out of huge sums of money, while at the same time appeasing the "green" people all over the world and those who hope to make shameless profits off of this scam, Al Gore et al., brings with it huge inherent advantages. Those people who are profiting are sure to want these programs to continue, so they will vote for those who make all of this possible...Those who actually believe in man-made global warming, which coincidentally is the biggest scam ever created in the history of mankind, will vote for them as well. It's a win-win situation for them all.

How will it all affect you personally? Why should you care? Well, all of these costs are certainly not going to be absorbed by the companies. They will be passed on to the consumer...Republican leaders say the bill would be "the largest tax increase in American history." That means you would bare the burden. The cost of energy will increase exponentially. There are estimates now that our electricity bills could increase by as much as 90% and gasoline prices by as much as 75%. That could translate to as much as $1500 extra in energy bills for your families. All so we can supposedly reduce the earth's temperature by a paltry 2 degrees Celsius, as if the scientists even knew for sure that was possible or that it would make any difference in our climate.

As if all I have told you isn't enough, maybe this will tip the scale. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bring H.R. 2454 (Obama-Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade energy bill) to the floor for a vote on Friday, June 26, 2009. Why is she in such a hurry to do this? Could it be because the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representative and she thinks this bone-headed bill is good for the country? Maybe...I, however, believe that it is because she is the owner of an "unknown" number of shares in a little company called Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (CLNE), which are reportedly valued at between $10,000 and $15,000 a share. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, corruption rears it's ugly head yet again. This is a terrific conflict of interest. She would stand to profit substantially through this program. I urge each and every one of you who reads this to call your representative and tell them to vote NO on H.R. 2454. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to profit from legislation they pass. Let them know that we are sick and tired of government interference in our lives and that corruption won't be tolerated.

Well, Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives have successfully passed Cap-and-Trade legislation and it has now been sent to the Senate for their consideration, where it faces an uphill battle at best. Hopefully, it will die there. What is particularly disturbing about the House passing the bill is that a little after 3 A.M., the morning of the vote, over 300 pages were added to the bill. There's no way ANY, let alone all, of the representatives had time to read what was added to the bill before it was passed. The bill should NOT have been sent to the floor for a vote. It is a mockery of everything that our Founding Fathers stood for. Corruption and high class "trickery" seem to be the new standard our elected officials have endorsed. Once again, if you and I, the citizens, don't stand up against this type of behavior, we will pay the price with our freedom and liberty...Make no mistake...Tyranny is on the way...

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Friday, June 19, 2009

All of this Silence is Deafening...

With much fanfare, President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009...He promised hope and change. He also promised to have a much more "transparent" administration . Well, with an administration that has been, largely, anything but transparent, President Obama hasn't bothered to have much at all to do with any foreign affairs issues. From American journalist Roxana Saberi to the current situation with the Presidential elections in Iran, the President has remained largely silent. Don't get me wrong. I understand that the President shouldn't have to deal, personally, with every issue of note that arises in this nation, but sometimes just a little word of encouragement or hint that he's standing up for what is right would be nice to hear. Presidents are supposed to have opinions. That's what they are there for...Case in point, American journalist Roxana Saberi was accused of espionage by the Iranian government and sentenced to eight years in prison by an Iranian court. The President had little to say about the incident. He did say the he was "gravely concerned" for her well-being. What I, and the rest of the nation, wanted to hear was that he knew the charges weren't valid, and that our thoughts and prayers were with her, and that HE would be working vigorously to do all he could to ensure her release. Could there possibly be anything wrong with these words?..Is it wrong to want a President who will stand up for America and her citizens? Surely not! Later, two more female reporters, Laura Ling, a Chinese-American, and Euna Lee, a Korean-American, were captured by the North Korean government and charged with spying. They were subsequently sentenced to twelve years in a North Korean labor camp. Obama, largely, left the comments to Secretary of State Clinton. Again, I wanted to hear Obama say that the charges were baseless and that they needed to release the journalists or face the consequences. Stand up for us Mr. President. I certainly don't believe that is asking too much.

Fast forward to the events of the last few days, regarding the Presidential elections in Iran, and the response is again very similar. Here is my argument. I understand why some would agree with the Obama administration on their stance, or lack thereof, concerning the Iranian election. Obama and his administration think that by encouraging the citizens of Iran to demand fair and free elections, they will be viewed as "meddling" in Iranian affairs. I, nor most Americans, care what the Iranian government thinks. My point is that we SHOULD be standing up for freedom. I am NOT a supporter of Islamic fundamentalism. I am NOT a supporter of Iran's apparent ambition to develop nuclear weapons. I have absolutely no reason to believe that any other leader the people could elect would be any less radical than Amahdenijad. What I am is a supporter of is the Iranian citizens' right to choose who that leader is. If the leader is radical, we'll deal with that...If Iran continues nuclear proliferation, we'll deal with that as well. That being said, the issue that most people want addressed is freedom. The citizens should have the right to choose. That, and that alone, is what most want President Obama to champion. This is what we are NOT hearing. Remaining silent isn't supporting freedom or democracy...How would standing up for free elections in Iran cause problems for the U.S. or Obama's administration? The Iranian government already claims that we interfere with them. My response would be "So What?"...I don't care if Iran doesn't like what we are doing. We live in freedom, although it is declining, and we will support any who agree with us...That is what you should be saying Mr. President.

President Obama, what we want, plain and simple, is leadership. Silence isn't dealing with problems or issues. It is ignoring the public. Stand up for what is right Mr. President. Stand up for freedom. In fact, just stand up for anything. Make an informed decision without consulting your "focus groups" or polls. Get rid of your teleprompter and speak from your heart. We want to know where you stand. The nation needs to hear you say that you stand for freedom, no matter who the people are and no matter what nation they are from. Frankly, Mr. President, your administration, despite your promises, has been the LEAST transparent administration I have known in my lifetime.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Calling all Patriots...

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Patrick Henry...These names conjure up visions of grandeur. Although, in their time they were viewed, by some, as deserving of death...In fact, the signers of the Declaration of Independence

Goddard Broadside of the Declaration of Indepe...Image via Wikipedia

were, for all intensive purposes, signing their own death warrants. If the British had won the war, these men would have most certainly died a traitor's death and the history books would read entirely different. They were defying "King and Crown". They were viewed by the British, as well as some in America, as radicals or extremists. Yet you and I know them by a very different name...Patriot...Their blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice bought the very freedom we so whimsically enjoy today. They fought against tyranny of the worst kind. King George III, who ruled England and the thirteen states of America when the Declaration of Independence was signed, ruled with an "iron fist" and did not believe the citizens would unite in resistance to his rule. He was sorely mistaken.

My friends, today we need a few more Patriots...Our freedom is being chipped away piece by piece as we stand idly by and let it happen. Tyranny is again rearing it's ugly head. Thomas Jefferson knew all too well the dangers that tyranny held, when he wrote: "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Our government, mainly led by President Barack Obama, has taken over General Motors Corp. In fact, before the automobile manufacturer went bankrupt the company allowed President Obama to remove their C.E.O. and replace him. I say "allowed" because he had no legal right to do so. True, GM had received "bail-out" money, but the money had been given unconditionally. Obama's administration also decided that several C.E.O.s were receiving to high of a salary. He has now appointed a "Pay Czar", who is reportedly going to try to even control private sector pay...Also, our health care system is about to receive a major overhaul through the efforts of a Democrat ruled Senate and Congress...Socialized medicine is on the way, unless the efforts of our citizens bring pressure on our elected officials. The governments increasingly growing role in the affairs of private companies has become very alarming. Various government agencies may use whatever words they like to explain the intervention, but there is no other word for it but socialism...Yet, largely, there is no outcry for change. President Obama, his administration, nor the Senate or Congress have the authority to control any aspect of private industry, but the American citizens have given all of the above the "power" to do so...We may not agree with, or even like for that matter, the things they are doing, but when we remain quiet, we are giving our approval by default.

John Trumbull's Declaration of Independence, s...Image via Wikipedia

Will you as Thomas Jefferson put it "remain silent"?...I refuse to believe that the citizens of this great nation no longer regard freedom as our most precious heritage. The raging flames of freedom that were created and stoked by our Founding Fathers have been reduced to several glowing embers that some are continually trying to extinguish. So, who will step up?...Who will be our next Thomas Jefferson?...Who will be the next Patrick Henry who declares "Give me liberty, or give me death!"...

I am one who will not go quietly into the night without a fight. I also believe there are many others who would join with me in saying the same. One such man is Randy E. Barnett. He is the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at Georgetown University Law Center. He has drafted what he calls the Bill of Federalism. It is a list of ten proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution...GASP!!...Yes, I said amendments to the constitution...I encourage each of you to research this bill. The amendments range from abolition of the income tax to term limits for our elected officials. Stay with me here. You have to get the point. You see, Professor Barnett gets it. He's not just complaining about the problems we have. He's taking action to correct them and I agree with him. Does that make me crazy, or radical, or extreme?...If so, then I wholeheartedly agree to wear any and all of those badges with honor. You see, The Founding Fathers bore these badges also, but at the end of the day they also gave us all freedom. In the annals of time their greatness, at least in the United States, will never be equalled. They took a chance...They wanted to give us all something they had never truly had, until the moment that hallowed document was signed. I implore you all to join me in telling our leaders that enough is enough. We do not agree with the direction the country is heading. We believe in freedom of speech and of the press...We will not be silenced.

I am 37 years old. You may call me crazy, but I truly believe that if we continue on the path we are heading, there will be a day in my lifetime that a column or blog post such as this will be illegal. We are rapidly approaching socialism. Let's do something that King Obama doesn't expect. Let's unite against his tyranny. WE are the United States...The PEOPLE run this country. Let's join in our resolve and say along with the Founders..."And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor"...

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Monday, June 8, 2009


What were you doing in 1980?...I was 9 years old and more concerned with my little-league baseball team than anything that was going on in the world. Politics was probably the furthest thing from my mind, although I knew that something profoundly important was happening. Reagan was all the buzz. We had just come through some of the worst managed executive office years in the history of our nation (Thanks to Jimmy Carter), but all of that was about to dramatically change...I was fortunate to grow up in this nation under that watch of Ronald Wilson Reagan, one of the greatest leaders God ever gave man. For the next 8 years of my life, I witnessed some truly historic moments. From the drastic drops in interest rates to the Cold War ending and the Berlin Wall coming down, change was here, and for the better. It was such a comforting time. I felt very proud to be an American. I was spoiled to have grown up in such an economically sound time. I knew Reagan would take care of us.

So, imagine my surprise, when I began searching for material related to Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA), to find 1980 mentioned. John Murtha has served Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district since 1974. What could have happened six short years after taking office that would be in any way related to the current scandals and corruption that Rep. Murtha is seemingly involved in today?...I was young, so this could have easily slipped by me without being noticed. I'll wager that it got by a lot of you too...I'm talking about Abscam...Never heard of it?...I hadn't either. It was a sting operation led by the FBI, involving operatives posing as Saudi Arabian nationals, who were supposedly trying to bribe their way past immigration laws to access the United States. Rep. Murtha met with the impostors and was offered $50,000 for his help. He was video taped in his response saying, "I'm not this point. If we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested, maybe I won't"...His response came immediately after he had mentioned the names of businesses and banks where their money could be legally "invested"...His taped statement alone is enough for me to suggest that he be barred from ever holding office again. John Murtha was never charged or convicted of any crime. He testified against two of his colleagues, Frank Thompson (D-NJ) and John Murphy (D-NY), who were both video taped stuffing their trousers with cash.

Well, that's John Murtha's story from 1980...The world was so taken with the election and the "changing of the guard" that I'll wager few remember the scandal. In fact, I'll wager few in Pennsylvania remember it. Fast forward to today and the same pattern of corruption seems to be emerging yet once again. The citizens of Pennsylvania have elected Murtha 18 times. So, I would be remiss if I didn't at least place the blame squarely where it should be. Pennsylvania voters are to blame for this debacle. Surely, other avenues of action could have been taken, but the ultimate blame falls to Pennsylvania citizens for allowing him to remain in office all these years.

Take, for instance, The John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport. The airport was founded in 1950, but the airport has received more than $200 million in taxpayer funding in the past decade, due in large part to John Murtha (The King of Pork)...In fact, the airport was one of the first airports in the country to receive stimulus package money, totaling more than $800,000, to pave a "back-up" runway. Most recently, however, a federal grand jury subpoenaed documents from Rep. Pete Visciosky (D-Ind) and his campaign committees. The investigation names the PMA Group, a lobbying firm that has since dissolved, that specialized in securing federal contracts for the Department of Defense from Rep. Visciosky and from Rep. Murtha. One would have to wonder if subsequent subpoenas will follow...

This is one conservative blogger who hopes the 12th District thinks long and hard before offering John P. Murtha a 19th term. His efforts to secure hundreds of millions of dollars for scandal-ridden companies, shady businessmen, and a little needed airport that bares his name have little to do with helping the citizens of Pennsylvania but a lot to do with lining HIS pockets. On April 27, 2009, Conservative businessman Tim Burns announced he would be running against John Murtha...I hope he wins and wins BIG!!...

Some material was paraphrased from Associated Press and Wikipedia articles
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Friday, June 5, 2009

The Honorable Roland Burris and Our Culture of Corruption

Rolland Wallace Burris is today at the center of a controversy that, in reality, should have never been a controversy. The junior United States Senator (D) from Illinois was "appointed" by scandal-ridden ex-Governor Rod Bagojevich to replace out-going Senator Barack Obama. Blagojevich, who is himself now under a federal indictment for trying to "sell" the Senate seat, ignored the wishes of Illinois elected officials and his constituents and appointed Burris, former Attorney General of Illinois, before he was removed form office. Several congressmen (Democrat) rushed to Burris' aid and demanded that his appointment be confirmed. One of them, Representative Bobby Rush (D), also from Illinois, even commented that he hoped the Senate wouldn't try to "hang or lynch" Burris, metaphorically speaking. He later went on to say that any attempt to keep Burris from being confirmed would be entirely based on "race"...Recently (May 27, 2009), on an episode of ABC's World News with Charles Gibson, an audio-taped conversation was played that revealed Burris, himself, negotiating a price to purchase the then vacant Senate seat. The Sangamon County State's Attorney's office and the Senate Ethics Committee now both have on-going investigations into whether Burris perjured himself during Illinois House of Representatives committee hearings involving Blagojevich impeachment proceedings.

This begs the question, "Why is Burris still a United States Senator?"...The taped evidence alone should be enough for the Senate to temporarily remove him from office until the matter can be resolved. Why are there no Senators or Representatives (D) or (R) speaking out against Burris? Recent attempts by FOX News to contact the "Honorable" Representative Bobby Rush have been unsuccessful. I'll bet they were!...Representative Rush and numerous other congressmen are sure to want distance themselves as much as possible to prevent any "collateral damage" that could result from these investigations. Our President and Attorney General have also been curiously quiet. Why no outcry for "justice"?...My hope is that all the citizens of Illinois, and the rest of the nation for that matter, will bombard the Washington D.C. switchboard with calls demanding the immediate removal of Senator Burris. Stand up for your country, your state, and yourself and demand justice.

Sadly, corruption in our elected officials has almost become an accepted fact. Our choices, lately, seem to be centered around choosing the "lesser of two evils" to represent us in any given office...The citizens of Illinois and this nation deserve better!!...Will our congressmen and the executive office do the right thing and take care of this obvious problem? My heart wants to say yes, but my head knows better...

It's a shame that our nation has become what it is today...Power hungry crooks, nothing better than slick-haired snake-oil salesmen, have taken over and disgraced their forefathers and this great nation.

Will great men of character, once again, take back this nation?...
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to the United States of America (The World's Largest Muslim Nation)

These words should send a chill up the spine of all patriots who read them. When these words first came to my mind, I became nauseated. We live in a world today that I would have never envisioned possible, at least not in my lifetime. The United States has always been THE country in firm opposition to such beliefs. Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating limiting religion "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"...But it seems there are some, including our esteemed President Barack Obama, who would not only "establish" Islam, but push us toward it at an increasingly alarming rate. President Obama continued what Rush Limbaugh calls "Obama's Apology Tour" today at Cairo University in Egypt. He quoted from the Bible, the Torah, and the Koran. What I don't understand is what he hopes to accomplish with his "Apology Tour"..."Tolerant" Muslims are apparently already on the peace bandwagon, so there is no need to convince them otherwise. Changing the minds of hardened Muslim Extremists, who are loyal to Osama bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and other Muslim leaders advocating Jihad against the United States are not going to stop hating us, simply because the President of the hated nation asks them. So, all are left scratching their heads wondering if there is a method to this madness. The President continued his apologies, regarding the former administration, and kept referring to the "rich heritage" that Islam provides us with. Earlier in the week in a French interview, President Obama said that "if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". Furthermore, according to, the Deputy National Security Adviser stated that Obama had "experienced Islam on three continents...growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father -- obviously Muslim Americans [are] a key part of Illinois and Chicago"...He has also gone out of his way on this tour to refer to himself by his full name, Barack Hussein Obama. This begs the question WHY NOW?...During the 2008 Presidential campaign, then Senator Obama went to great lengths to distance himself from any correlation between himself and the Islamic faith. One is left then to assume that this is nothing more than as Islamic pandering tour.

Osama bin Laden and Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have already verbally lambasted the President and encouraged their followers to not be fooled by President Obama's flattering words...He also seems to have further alienated some Israelis by repeatedly suggesting the Israelis pull out of occupied areas and that there be an established and recognized Palestinian state. He also stated earlier in the the week that Iran, a known supporter of terrorists, had a "right" to pursue nuclear ambitions as long as the ambitions were for "legitimate" uses...Good luck with that ambitious cause Mr. President...It seems that all President Obama has realistically succeeded in doing is further stirring up a hornet's nest that had already been brought to a boiling point with the announcement that Iran had finally enriched enough Plutonium to complete a nuclear weapon...Let's hope that it will die down again and that President Obama's trip will be short enough to keep him from causing irreparable damage...
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