Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I___________promise to uphold and defend the Constitution...

These words begin one of the most famous and sacred oaths to ever be uttered by any American...From FEMA employees to the armed services to the SCOTUS to the POTUS, these words carry with them the inherent responsibility to not only defend the Constitution with votes or words, but in some cases it means to defend it from your very self. That same self that wants to rush in and shoot convicted rapists and child molesters instead of letting them serve their sentence, that in many cases is far to lenient...That same self that sees perceived "wrongs" and wants to correct them, even if it means doing something against the letter of the law. The ability to make those decisions that "uphold" the Constitution instead of "righting a wrong" (perceived) is what makes a great leader. Our Founding Fathers created a document that has been the ruling document of a nation longer than any other in documented history. Flawed in some areas it may be, but nonetheless it is the greatest ruling document the world has ever known. Those who today would seek to change or "interpret" this document into something that is was not meant to be are nothing short, in my opinion, of traitors. Power-hungry, arrogant, elitists who think that they are somehow going to "improve" this document are misguided, at best. Those who were members of that first Continental Congress were men of tremendous integrity and honor who sacrificed to give the people of this nation the freedom that so many were yearning for...The time has come, yet again, for someone or some group of people to rise up and defend this great document and give us back this freedom...

Our Founding Fathers never intended for the judicial branch of our government to "take" as much power as they have delegated themselves. The checks and balances of our nation have become skewed. We must somehow return to the "original intent" of our forefathers. Those men of old knew there was a power greater than themselves who gave them this freedom. The last phrase of the aforementioned oath even invokes the Creators help. Yet none of those elected officials dare mention a dependency on that faith for fear that they would lose all credibility as an intelligent being. The hallowed halls of our Supreme Court even acknowledge this higher power, but this power better be left at the door when consulting the "great minds" for decisions.

Today our President nominated federal Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. The press, as well as others, immediately praised the President and wondered if the GOP would put up a fight against the "Hispanic female" with a "great life story"...Her past decisions and whether or not she would protect the "original intent" were never mentioned. President Obama praised resigning Justice Souter as a "fair-minded and independent judge" and said he would nominate a replacement who both respects the Constitution and brings "empathy" and "understanding" to the bench. Obama did say he wanted a justice who "respects the Constitution"...This is the only one of these qualities that means anything to me, when nominating a justice...Obama has also stated that he wanted a justice who would be "power for the powerless"...While this is a nice quality, it has nothing to do with upholding the constitution...

May our elected officials who are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights" make the right decision with this nomination...God help us to get back to the Founding Fathers "original intent"...Then, and only then, will freedom truly be ours again...
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Friday, May 8, 2009

What will it take to get you involved??...

This is a question I've asked many people over the last couple of years. I really don't know if it's because of a feeling of inferiority, lack of self-esteem, lack of education, apathy or any number of other reasons. How bad would it actually have to get before people will stand up and say "enough is enough"...Believe it or not, politicians actually listen to their constituents, when the outcry is great enough. When their local and national offices are flooded with calls, letters, and emails, they listen...Little by little, our many freedoms and rights as American citizens are being taken away. If you are not voicing your opinion, then you are condoning and supporting your elected representatives decisions. Do you want to continue to monetarily support illegal immigrants with your hard earned money?...Do you want the government to eventually take away your right to speak out against decisions such as: Gay Marriage, Abortion, and any number of other controversial issues?...Will you continue to watch gas prices rise to astronomical rates?...How high would it have to rise before you voiced your opinion?...By keeping your silence, YOU are allowing these things to take place.

A recent Rasmussen poll was taken that suggested only 53% of our nation's citizens believed that Capitalism was a better option than Socialism...I was absolutely stunned!!...There are only a few conclusions a person can come to, when confronted with these numbers...Either the poll's margin of error was grossly miscalculated, or there is a problem with the thinking in this county, or this nation's citizens have become so uninformed that they don't know, or possibly with the education system we now have they haven't been properly taught, that no form of Socialism has EVER succeeded...My personal opinion is that the Rasmussen poll was completely disproportionate to the actual opinions in this country...At least that's what I'm hoping!...Has our nation really bought into the idea (Obama's) that a re-distribution of wealth is warranted and even needed in this country?...Please tell me it's not true...Are people really that lazy?...Don't they know that if the idea of re-distribution takes hold, the incentive to actually build wealth and grow our economy is GONE?...Why would a person struggle to build something, if they know that it's just going to be divided among the rest of our lazy, entitlement-minded citizens?...But again, the best way to ensure that this direction is kept is to keep silent...

In conclusion, our system WILL BE what our citizens tell it to be...Our numbers are too overwhelming for our elected officials to deal with. But if you keep silent, they think that you agree and will continue to do whatever they want, or are paid to do by a PAC or lobbying firm...Or, if by some chance you have been challenged by these words today and you would like to see a change, then YOU will need to make some changes!!...Get involved by starting your own blog to get the word out, or if you can't or don't feel comfortable writing, volunteer for a Conservative running for office, run for office yourself, donate to the political party of your choice...Just DO SOMETHING!!...When politicians hear no opposition, they think you APPROVE...Please help me tell our elected officials how we REALLY feel...I'm tired hearing about our congressmen and women (Murtha, Dodd, Pelosi, Feinstein) voting for some pork-laden bill that ends up giving huge sums of our money to their friends and family for some bogus government contract or grant...I'm mad...I've reached a point that I've never been before...Join me and in telling our officials that they're done!...WE decide what direction our nation is headed...They work for US...Please join me in telling our officials:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

-Samuel Adams

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Fairness Doctrine"

There's been a lot of talk lately about the rumored reinstatement of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", which all sane people know is ANYTHING but fair...It is blatant censorship of the worst kind. The left has been rabid ever since a Reagan controlled administration lifted elements of the ban in 1987. The liberals like to argue that only one side of the story (conservative) is being offered at any given time on the radio or on other "right-wing" news outlets...They repeatedly ignore the left-wing ideologies and leaning of the government funded NPR, as well as, the vast majority of "mainstream media" outlets...But you see, this isn't enough...They won't be satisfied until ALL opposition to their left-wing agendas is silenced...And silenced for good...I too stand with Sen. Jim DeMint, of South Carolina, who says "Whose opinion will determine what’s fair, what’s balanced, what’s diverse?” This is a very reasonable and logical question. I consider myself to be very conservative in my ideology, but I would never want to silence all views that were contrary to mine...This isn't fair...Nor is it balanced...

President Obama ceremoniously stated on Feb. 18 of this year that he did not support the reinstating of the "Fairness Doctrine"...Will he be true to his word? What if the Senate and House pass bills reinstating the doctrine, which they could easily do now? The GOP is even powerless to attempt a filibuster of any bills that may be offered. Would President Obama really go against his party and veto the legislation?...My heart wants the President to be a man of his word, but my head knows that he WILL bow to his party and rubber stamp the bill...

Conservative talk show host, and legend, Rush Limbaugh began what would turn out to be a monumental effort to get out the truth about what was going on in Washington, and he began his rise to the top syndicated radio show in America...Later followed by the likes of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and many others, the conservative talk show scene has exploded over the last 20 years...The reason is simple. They have tapped into a segment of the population that wasn't being served. I'm convinced that the majority of the nation believes in conservative principles...How else could you explain the meteoric rise of these "everyday Americans" who take the airwaves for up to 3 hours a day?..The left will try to tell you that it's because of the "deep pocketed" conservatives who own these stations and can afford to pay the on-air talent, just because they want their viewpoint to be broadcast...But it's just not true...The left-wing Air America Radio, which sought to counter conservative talk radio, began programming on March 31, 2004...By October 2006, increasing debts forced Air America Radio into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. How could such a thing happen? They had talent such as Al Franken, a former Saturday Night Live member and currently involved in the race for a U.S. Senate seat from the state of Minnesota, Thom Hartmann, Rachel Maddow, who currently has her own show on MSNBC, and Janeane Garofalo, actress and liberal extremist regularly featured on networks such as MSNBC, NBC, and various other networks...Didn't they have all the elements of good programming?...Well, not exactly...You see, liberal ideology just doesn't sell...Couple that with the fact that NPR, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and other news outlets are already getting the liberal message out there, and you have a recipe for disaster...You see, people like Rush, Hannity, Beck, and others have enjoyed success, in large part, due to the fact that there were nearly NO conservative viewpoints being broadcast...

Today, though, I am pretty optimistic that the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" will never again be implemented...I believe that the public outcry would be so great that even the most entrenched career politicians would have to cave to the pressure...Censorship is a nasty word, but that is exactly what this doctrine is. The first amendment to our Constitution grants uninhibited freedom of the press and freedom of speech...So, let your voice be heard. Here's hoping that tyranny may never again rear its ugly head and grip our nation under the guise of "fairness"...
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