Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Place in the Middle East...

On Tuesday, November, 1, 2011, Harvard Professor of International Relations and blogger for Foreign Policy Magazine, Stephen M. Walt, posted an entry entitled: Romney Flunks Foreign Policy...Again. In it Professor Walt states, "Mitt Romney announced last week that the United States should largely subordinate its Middle East policy-making to Israel". Subordinate?...Professor Walt should realize that we basically police most of the civilized world. No country has contributed more to the safety and security of the citizens of the world than has the United States. But let's get one thing straight. Israel is an ally...I'm keenly aware that some in our country are upset about that, but it doesn't change the fact that we support Israel. Although I don't support a Romney candidacy, he's spot on with his assertion that Israel should handle and govern certain decisions in the middle east. I don't recall asking Israel what we should do about our border problems with Mexico, nor did Israel attempt to handle our business. Israel is PLENTY capable of taking care of their best interests and making changes regarding our presence in their country. They've shown remarkable restraint, considering the fact that the majority of the middle east wants to annihilate them. Our relationship with Israel has always been one of trust. If Professor Walt is suggesting that Israel is incapable of doing what is best for them or that Romney is "pandering" to whatever audience he happens to be in front of, he needs to think again...Leadership is sometimes allowing your allies to handle things and make certain decisions themselves. If a nation that has nuclear capabilities was developing weapons with the express reason of attacking us, the U.S. would be developing a plan of attack as we speak. Is Professor Walt suggesting that Israel sit idly while the rest of the world, including the current administration, turns a blind eye to the Israel/Iran coming conflict? If the U.S. had a role in the situation, we lost it a couple of years ago, when it was revealed that Iran was developing nuclear capabilities. And in reading Romney's actual comment, also posted by Professor Walt, he misses the point entirely...Gov. Romney said: "The actions that I will take will be actions recommended and supported by Israeli leaders. I don't seek to take actions independent of what our allies think is best, and if Israel's leaders thought that a move of that nature would be helpful to their efforts, then that's something I'll be inclined to do. But again, that's a decision which I would look to the Israeli leadership to help guide. I don't think America should play the role of the leader of the peace process, instead we should stand by our ally. Again, my inclination is to follow the guidance of our ally Israel, as to where our facilities and embassies would exist." We are guests in their country. We should all remember that. And calling the path that Israel is headed down "destructive" is a little condescending...

In closing, Professor Walt seems to be suggesting that Gov. Romney would delegate ALL decisions to Israel, which is a ludicrous assertion. And although I think that Newt Gingrich would be are far better choice for a leader for our country, Mitt Romney handled this question with great poise and wisdom...

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