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were, for all intensive purposes, signing their own death warrants. If the British had won the war, these men would have most certainly died a traitor's death and the history books would read entirely different. They were defying "King and Crown". They were viewed by the British, as well as some in America, as radicals or extremists. Yet you and I know them by a very different name...Patriot...Their blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice bought the very freedom we so whimsically enjoy today. They fought against tyranny of the worst kind. King George III, who ruled England and the thirteen states of America when the Declaration of Independence was signed, ruled with an "iron fist" and did not believe the citizens would unite in resistance to his rule. He was sorely mistaken.
My friends, today we need a few more Patriots...Our freedom is being chipped away piece by piece as we stand idly by and let it happen. Tyranny is again rearing it's ugly head. Thomas Jefferson knew all too well the dangers that tyranny held, when he wrote: "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Our government, mainly led by President Barack Obama, has taken over General Motors Corp. In fact, before the automobile manufacturer went bankrupt the company allowed President Obama to remove their C.E.O. and replace him. I say "allowed" because he had no legal right to do so. True, GM had received "bail-out" money, but the money had been given unconditionally. Obama's administration also decided that several C.E.O.s were receiving to high of a salary. He has now appointed a "Pay Czar", who is reportedly going to try to even control private sector pay...Also, our health care system is about to receive a major overhaul through the efforts of a Democrat ruled Senate and Congress...Socialized medicine is on the way, unless the efforts of our citizens bring pressure on our elected officials. The governments increasingly growing role in the affairs of private companies has become very alarming. Various government agencies may use whatever words they like to explain the intervention, but there is no other word for it but socialism...Yet, largely, there is no outcry for change. President Obama, his administration, nor the Senate or Congress have the authority to control any aspect of private industry, but the American citizens have given all of the above the "power" to do so...We may not agree with, or even like for that matter, the things they are doing, but when we remain quiet, we are giving our approval by default.
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Will you as Thomas Jefferson put it "remain silent"?...I refuse to believe that the citizens of this great nation no longer regard freedom as our most precious heritage. The raging flames of freedom that were created and stoked by our Founding Fathers have been reduced to several glowing embers that some are continually trying to extinguish. So, who will step up?...Who will be our next Thomas Jefferson?...Who will be the next Patrick Henry who declares "Give me liberty, or give me death!"...
I am one who will not go quietly into the night without a fight. I also believe there are many others who would join with me in saying the same. One such man is Randy E. Barnett. He is the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at Georgetown University Law Center. He has drafted what he calls the Bill of Federalism. It is a list of ten proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution...GASP!!...Yes, I said amendments to the constitution...I encourage each of you to research this bill. The amendments range from abolition of the income tax to term limits for our elected officials. Stay with me here. You have to get the point. You see, Professor Barnett gets it. He's not just complaining about the problems we have. He's taking action to correct them and I agree with him. Does that make me crazy, or radical, or extreme?...If so, then I wholeheartedly agree to wear any and all of those badges with honor. You see, The Founding Fathers bore these badges also, but at the end of the day they also gave us all freedom. In the annals of time their greatness, at least in the United States, will never be equalled. They took a chance...They wanted to give us all something they had never truly had, until the moment that hallowed document was signed. I implore you all to join me in telling our leaders that enough is enough. We do not agree with the direction the country is heading. We believe in freedom of speech and of the press...We will not be silenced.
I am 37 years old. You may call me crazy, but I truly believe that if we continue on the path we are heading, there will be a day in my lifetime that a column or blog post such as this will be illegal. We are rapidly approaching socialism. Let's do something that King Obama doesn't expect. Let's unite against his tyranny. WE are the United States...The PEOPLE run this country. Let's join in our resolve and say along with the Founders..."And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor"...
Great article!!! I agree with you. We do need a few Patriots like we had during the time of the signing of The Declaration of Independence. WE must stand up and rise against the tyranny happening before us. Obama is leading this country down a dark and dangerous path. I will not let this happen without a fight either.
ReplyDeleteChris - Great content here, it looks to me like you just need to find a way to enter the network of like-minded folks. You clearly have a great voice and your writing is good. Drop by the Left Coast Rebel and I will drop you any hints that you may need, or turn some of my readers here!